Faith Practice Groups
One of our goals at Bethel is to help our church community to grow in our relationship to God. We do that by encouraging and providing resources for personal daily interaction with God like methods for daily Bible reading, devotional materials, having prayer partners, and journaling.
We also encourage and provide resources for group interaction with God, including Sunday School and other faith practice groups like Bible studies, book studies, mission opportunities – near and far, and other faith practice groups.
Faith practice groups are groups that practice different ways of being formed to be more like Christ. They may be prayer practices like walking a labyrinth or centering prayer. They may be a group that focuses on what it means to keep Sabbath and then practice being intentional about it. They may be intentional about practices that honor the body or shape community or feeding the hungry.
When groups are forming, there will be information on our Events page to let you know when and where we will meet – sometimes in person, sometimes by Zoom. Come and grow in your relationship with God!