Our Beliefs
Windows Into Our Beliefs
Christ Centered
Jesus Christ is the center of our faith. The life, death, and resurrection of Christ teach us God’s way in the world. God provides a model for how we should live through the life of Jesus.
Grounded in Scripture
At Bethel we ground ourselves in the stories of the Bible, and believe that narratives of God’s life with humankind shape and form us as believers and as a community of faith.
People work cooperatively in the cause of Christ at Bethel Church. We believe that God calls and equips all people for service, and that gender, ethnicity, economical status, social status, or any other ideology that has been used to divide people has no bearing on one’s ability to do the work of Christ.
Disciple Making
Bethel takes seriously the charge of Christ to make disciples. We want to see people thrive in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We seek to empower believers to know and live out their own unique Christian calling.
Soul Freedom
We believe that accepting or rejecting the teachings of Jesus is a decision that each person makes for themselves. We believe that a healthy relationship with Jesus enhances our lives. At Bethel developing a healthy relationship with God and others is at the heart of what we do.
American Baptist
Bethel Church is self governing, choosing its own leadership and managing its own affairs and inner life. It is free to develop as led by the Spirit of God and the Scriptures. We see ourselves as part of the large Body of Christ which includes Christians everywhere. We are affiliated with The American Baptist Churches, USA.