Recent Sermons

Trinity Sunday
One thing that this idea of the three-in-one nature of God reveals to us is that God is a God of relationship. We are created in God’s image, so we are created for relationship as well. So we come together to worship in community, and we welcome everyone to be in relationship with one another.

Practicing Resurrection: 6th Sunday of Eastertide
MAY 5, 2024: As we worship around the tables in our fellowship hall, we are discussing our current financial situation and what the future may hold.

Practicing Resurrection: 5th Sunday of Eastertide
APRIL 28, 2024: Accidental encounters may lead to divine appointments!

Practicing Resurrection: 4th Sunday of Eastertide
APRIL 21, 2024: Practice resurrection by being the love!

Practicing Resurrection: 3rd Sunday of Eastertide
APRIL 14, 2024: We won’t celebrate Pentecost for a few weeks yet, but today’s text gives us a little preview because this incident was just after Pentecost and the first sermon Peter would have preached and when over 3000 people who were celebrating in Jerusalem became believers and presumably new followers of the Way.

Wandering Heart: “Here’s My Heart”
APRIL 7, 2024 - When I was in college, my Old Testament professor had a favorite saying about the children of Israel as they journeyed to the Promised Land. He called it “another lap around the mountain.” I feel like my professor would say the same thing about Peter and me. Another lap around the mountain - you haven’t learned all the lessons yet or you don’t have them down pat.

Wandering Heart: “And I Hope!”
I wonder if Peter even heard the women when they first came running into the room where he and the other disciples were huddled together fearful, miserable, and full of grief. Peter was buried inside himself, in a deeper level of grief than all of the others combined.

Wandering Heart: “Songs of loudest praise”
MARCH 24, 2024 PALM SUNDAY: “Why do we reenact this story every year at the start of Holy Week?”

Wandering Heart: “Teach me”
MARCH 10, 2024: “Today, instead of ending with the art created for this week, I want us to start with it.”

Wandering Heart: “I’m fixed upon it”
MARCH 10, 2024: “The gospel text this morning picks up right where we left off last week, and I invite you to enter into this story from Jesus’ point of view.“

Wandering Heart: Praise the Mount
MARCH 3, 2024: “The names in the story from the Gospel of Matthew for today are significant and powerful.”

Wandering Heart: Rescue me from Danger
FEBRUARY 25, 2024: “We find ourselves in another story about the disciples in a boat today.”

Wandering Heart: Jesus Sought Me
FEBRUARY 18, 2024: “Listen as I tell you a story about Peter.”

How Does a Weary World Rejoice? We Sing Stories of Hope
DECEMBER 24, 2023: “The music is what brings us into God’s presence.”

How Does a Weary World Rejoice? We Find Joy in Connection
DECEMBER 10, 2023: “How will you cultivate delight in your life and the lives of those around you in the days ahead?”

How Does a Weary World Rejoice? We Acknowledge Our Weariness
DECEMBER 3, 2023: “Open your eyes. Look for beauty. See the ways that God is moving and connecting and simply making an appearance in your life, in the life of our community.”

Grateful for Creation
NOVEMBER 26, 2023: “Isn’t that longing to share something of ourselves with one another what makes us human?”