Community Garden

Plant some.
Pick some.
Pull some weeds.

The garden was created in early 2000. Our motto is “Take some, leave some.” This garden is not only for the Bethel congregation, but it is open to the community! Anyone may plant in the garden and label their row to share with others. Planted items typical include potatoes, onions, green beans, radishes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, beets, corn, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, melons, squash, and more. We also have blackberry bushes, as well as peach, apple, and pear trees. You might even find a few zinnias. And, of course, there are always weeds in abundance to pull throughout the growing season.

We would like to thank John and Linda Coats for not only helping create this garden but also for keeping it up all of these years! If you would like to receive, email updates about the garden and garden workdays contact Linda.

Therefore, by their fruits you will know them.
— Matthew 7:20

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